– Deepen your knowledge and your practice of breathing through various workshops –
Lessons available online and in person, in English and in French
All workshops

Breath holding “on dry land”
Duration of 1h30 to 2h
Aimed at everyone with a good control of their breathing. Whatever your profile is, come and experiment breath holding and discover its benefits on physical and mental levels: well-being, mind control, performance,…

Sport Performance workshop
Duration of 2h to 3h
Workshop aimed at breath optimisation and CO2 tolerance specifically for sport trainings.

Yoga & Prāṇāyāma workshop
Duration of 2h to 3h
Discover a deeper experience in terms of postures, breathwork, relaxation and meditation.

Conscious Connected Breathing workshop
Duration of 1h30 to 2h
In order to explore states of modified consciousness, and to release blockages, tensions and traumas at the physical, mental and emotional levels.
Possibility to combine workshops together for a deeper experience.